Sunday, October 2, 2011

way delayed!

it's been forever!!! not much has changed though. I failed my glucose test and had to do the 3 hour.  It was awful!! 4 pokes, and 4 hours later, me and my friend Makayla (who is also pregnant) finally got to leave!! Hopefully this time i'll pass it. I hated that part.. and therefore, i have decided. I do not want another kid.. lol. clearly because i hate having my blood drawn. I only have 10 weeks left.. (technically less than that.. because im 30 weeks and 4 days today!!!!).. Im getting sooo excited!!! Ive been having weird dreams of carter coming out as a girl.. and hes a weird looking girl... lol. i cant wait to see what he looks like once hes OUT!!! :).. i asked about being induced, that way cory could be here IF he's gone by the time i go into labor.. and Nellie said she could induce me at 39 weeks.. so.. if we're being technical, i only have 9 weeks left! But then again, ive heard of people going into labor at 38 weeks.. its different for everyone though. shew. i dont want it to be a surprise, "omg my water just broke in class", kind of thing. that would be awful!!!! Fall break is this week, that means i only have class two days this week!!!! yayyy!!! I plan to move into corys this upcoming week.. even though his room mate will STILL be there until January... we might as well get situated before carter gets here.. gah. Im hoping to get our washing machine and dryer in this week sometime too.. by the way, i got my kitchen table out of layaway finally!! (cory actually picked it up while i was at work..but whatever).. Im soooo excited to put it up this week sometime!!! I stopped going to the chiropractor, my doctor said Carter was probably laying on a nerve.. and once he moves, it should ease the pain..and sure enough, the pain is gone. I feel bad not going back to the chiropractor..but, doctor said she wouldnt be getting anything popped now since everything is loosening up for labor.. so what she says, goes!!! but, i guess i'm going to go to sleep and rest up for work tomorrow! here are pictures of my belly! 26 weeks and 30 weeks! enjoy looking at me being fat :) 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

rAiNy DaY = sUnNY dAy :)

i woke up to a rainy day today..and loved it.. put rain boots on..and once i got to work.. the sun was already shining.. go figure.   I went to the chiropractor wednesday and dr.jones told me my hip is out of place (mom was right ;). ) he popped me a little on wednesday..and then made me come back the next morning (today) at 8am.. and popped me some more..and i go back on monday!  its slowly moving back into place.. hes gonna watch me up until i deliver because he says it could affect the birth of Carter.. making it hard for him to just "shoot right out".. lovely.      AND we found out a couple days ago that once Cory goes to the police academy, he won't be allowed to come back for the birth of Carter if he's gone.. unless Carter's born on the weekend..  Therefore, we're gonna see if we have any options because Cory would be devastated if he had to miss it! i think its time for a bath. :)  time to relax after a long day of school and work.. then i will teach myself my econ stuff for my quiz tomorrow.. (which won't be possible)..  thennn i'm laying my head down and going to sleep! i'm worn out :).. have a good night!

Monday, September 12, 2011

4d Ultrasound day!!!

welp, i got my 4d ultrasound today!! and little John Carter looks just like Cory!!! it's nuts!! Im guessing my glucose test went okay today..after hours and hours at the hospital.. they never called me back!.. so i think thats a good sign.. Here was my full day of appointments!!
9:45 am - Baby Doctor Appt.
10:15 am - actually got called back.. Weighed in at 137.5 lbs.. (yuck).. and i was measured at 27 27 weeks!!
10:45 am - arrive at the hospital... and wait for registration..
11:50 am- start registration..
11:55 am - get my blood drawn for the first time....
12:05 pm- just finished my orange "sugar" drink..
1:05 pm- blood drawn, AGAIN.. by Jade.. which.. btw, we had trouble finding a vein..  i have small ones.. yay me.
1:25 pm- got my shot for being an O negative blood type..
1:35pm - FINALLY we get to EAT..  =) we had big mooses!!!
3:30 pm - 4d ultrasound time!!!! :) it consisted of more registration.. long waiting.. and then finally...

Here is John Carter Jones in 4d!!! :)   first one is of his face.. second of his "private part"..and the third of his fingers!!!  he weighs 3lbs and 4 oz. at the moment.. and according to the internet.. he should be weighing 2lbs.. haha We may have a chunker on our hands ;).. 
Only problem i am having at the moment is the fact that my hip is out of place.. but hopefully i can get into a chiropractor soon to fix it before my 12 hr weekend!!.. Tomorrow it's back to school and back to work.. two days of nothing was too spoiling :(..  now to drink some juice, take my vitamin, watch family guy and go to bed!! (cory's already snoring... Hahaha like usual).. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

delayed, already!

I'm already slackin'.. whoops!.. today, I have a quiz in microeconomics, as well as work at 4..  and then once i'm off from there I have a break from school! shew, that's relieving.   Cory starts his second job today at The cinemas as a security guard.. He's excited..and I'm anxious to see how well he likes it!... He also got a call from the Chief yesterday and he is registered for the Police Academy, we just don't know when.. Definitely sometime this year, i'm hoping!!! OH my 5 shirts i ordered online came in today at my edmonton home.. Too bad i'm at cory's for the week! Guess i'll have to make a trip down there to get them tomorrow! :) I'm excited!! Although I'm tried, and really dreading this quiz ( even though it's probably not near as bad as i'm thinking it will be).. I'm still having a great day! Now to apply makeup and to study some more on this quiz, and then it's off to school and work. shewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. also, i'm counting down the days til Monday, for my 4d ultrasound! yay!  Which, btw, a man came into rite aid last night.. and as he was leaving..he turned around and said.. "i just have to ask... are you having a girl?"..I said,  "no, im having a boy actually.. wanted a girl.. but i'll take a little boy too".. he said "..well.. i have a Gift from God.. and i just feel like you're going to be surprised.. I think you're having a little girl".. i said ".. well on the 2d ultrasound it showed boy.. but we go monday for a 4d and we should really be able to tell.".. he said "well.. don't be shocked if it's a girl instead.. and i dont come in here often.. but im gonna come back to see what you have.. because i felt the presence of a girl"...     weird, right?.. Idk what we would do if we ended up having a little girl instead!!! We'd have to change EVERYTHING.. but i guess we'll find out on monday :)
love this cold weather by the way! :)
until next time,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

introduction :)

Hey There! I'm Hali and I formed this blog to keep tabs on my stressful life.  I believe it will help me keep track of everything that happens and when! Wonder why I don't use a planner or journal?.. Because I'm on the computer more than I am anything else! Keeping this up to date will be a challenge with school and work.. but I plan to keep it up as long as possible :).. Enjoy!
       Soo, in my about me you will find any and every important detail to myself.  If there is anything I left out, I'll be sure to add it! I would like to thank my sister for getting my started on this blogging thing, she started a blog, which is ( go visit her, she posts neat things that she creates!)  and I realized I was bored and wanted to start one too. So, here we are!
    I also have a profile on a site i recently found called, it's a site for soon to be mother's or anyone who is interested in learning about parenting, etc. I've made a few friends on there. One my age, with the same due date AND who is attending school while pregnant. It's amazing finding people like yourself online!
   This is all I have to say for tonight, I'll keep posting! :)
Until next time, the picture attached is John Carter Jones in 2d! :)