if it wasnt for my blog, i would have no idea that i have made it 13 days without drinking sodas!!!!!! YAY ME! In fact, I bought some packets of green tea that you put in bottled water ..and started that yesterday.. its horrible, yes. BUT no calories and no suga..and i hear green tea is heathy for ya. Its helped my appetite too surprisingly. I started my day with Chocolate cake.. yeah, yeah i know.. but i got it a gondolier last night and i had to finish it today lol. and i wasnt hungry at lunch ... and for supper i had chicken noodle soup. Its pretty awesome. maybe I can lose some weight this way! Id love to lose it in my face... i wish there was a way that you can tighten everything up without working out. I hate working out.
anyway. baby is asleep. im ready for bed myself. the little teething boy has been up in the middle of the night screaming his head off because of his top teeth coming in. Poor baby! :( well. its time to get bottles ready for the night and a bottle of water!
OH YEAH.. 33 days until GATLINBURG!!!! *Yay!*
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
waTer-dRinkin' dieT
Just wanted to let the world know.. I am no longer drinking sodas, cokes, pops, whatever you may call them. I am 3 days coke-sober. Although it is killing me deep down inside, and my cravings are working on getting the best of me, I am refusing to drink a coke. Cory has been MONTHS without drinking a coke, soda, etc. This "Water-drinking" diet doesn't rule out tea or kool-aid though!!! *ahh.yay!* HOWEVER, i have not drank any of those things either in the last 3 days! *YAY ME*
Tomorrow is my friends wedding.. I'm the maid of honor.. Hair appt at at 8 *in the morning*..wedding at 11:30 *in the morning*... reception to follow. Gonna be a busy day, but i assume it'll be over before i know it... Since her wedding's coming up, I spend ALL day planning mine yesterday... *no i'm not engaged...... blah* BUT i don't wanna be a procrastinator about my wedding because it is going to be the shiz! no doubt!!!! BIG SHIN-DIG... BIG RECEPTION... going to be WONDERFUL!
*i just need a ring*
OKAY happy friday ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps. Say a prayer for the people involved in the Colorado cinema shooting!!! People are crazy-nuts these days!!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Carter Jones!
okay. so while creeping in the blog world today (while at work, yes.) i found this blog.. http://www.growingupanjwife.com/ and i LOVE it!!!! Her daughter Elisabeth is soooo adorable. BUT anyway.. it gave me an idea for my blog.. Each month she posts a picture of Elisabeth (or E) and writes what all E is learning. Since we know the internet can never get lost (like a pysical baby book).. Why not make some posts when Carter's monthly birthday comes around? Even though we're 7 months behind, I can start here, Right?! Soo, here we go. Seven months!
Carter can pull up on anything and everything!!!!!! (Look at the teeth just shining!!!!) Speaking of teeth, he has his two front bottom ones *as you can see*...BUT the front TOP FOUR are ALL trying to come in at once now!! Talk about a fussy baby, but all in all, hes not so bad!
This is the look i get while singing in the car....obviously he thinks i suck. hahaha
He is currently in to EVERYTHING.. unless you get a chance to stop him.. Which doesnt happen often.
Last night, he slept ALL THE WAY through the night until 6am this morning!!! (which PA gave him a little more tylenol than he should have earlier that day..so i think the short nap from that caused the amazing nights rest!)
Until next time...
Friday, July 6, 2012
Carter did whaaaaa?
So. Thirty minutes left of work. and I think its time to post on my blog. (Which ive not posted on in weeks).. so basically Carter can now crawl... and he's pretty darn good at it. He's everywhere and into EVERYTHING. As well as pulling up on everything! He's already received his first bloody mouth from his bottom teeth biting his bottom lip (from falling after trying to pull up on an empty baby wipe container..he'll learn!) Talk about a nightmare with that accident! And i'm sure there's PLENTY more to come! Shewwwwwwwww. Here's some recent pictures of Carter :)
So basically, he fell asleep like this in the recliner with his daddy......
ten minutes later he was fired up and ready to play again...
needless to say, carter's been a little meanie today. He doesn't want to nap (& we dont make him because he's cute). BUT this morning, he was a tad bit on the butthead side. After beggggging his daddy to get in his lap (by begging i mean crawling to his feet, pulling him self up to his knees and practically loving all over your leg, like a puppy) Cory let him up in his lap...which resulted to this...
yes cory is having ramen noodles for breakfast. I dont know why, just dont ask. lol
but yes. cory was furious and put baby in baby jail. When i got home on lunch, Cory informed me that carter cried in baby jail (the play pen) until he fell asleep...and then woke up crying not long after.
We are going to have a WONDERFUL night's sleep tonight because Carter refused to nap today. But I'm no complaining!!! OH and Cracker Barrel tonight with my Mama and Daddy, my sister Ashlee (over at http://www.ashleenikol.com/ ), MacRyan, Cory and of course, Carter!
Hope yall have a wonderful weekend!!!!!! ♥
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