Happy MONDAY y'all!!!
I hate mondays.
there is seriously nothing worse than a monday...
ANYWAY. I skipped yesterday on the countdown, so today I'll make up for it.
day #10. I want to get married!!!!!!! I have my whole wedding basically planned out on a yellow notepad...dont laugh. I've got colors, bridal party, events, what i'm wearing, where i'm getting what i'm wearing, etc. My biggest concern is the decor. I cant really decide what I want. But all i know is I want a big rock on my finger..and I'll continue to wait until I get one I suppose. *sigh*
day #9. I hope to one day have my dream job as a Clinical Psychologist! I keep running into problems with getting my bachelor's.. but hopefully once I get it, i can hit the high road into graduate school and have my masters!!! (maybe even go for my doctorate??....ehh i'm still iffy about that).. I would resort with any type of psychological therapy as a dream job actually. I always dreamed of working in a criminology atmosphere. Really getting into the minds of victims, or even criminals. It seems SOOOO interesting!!! ah I'd love it.
Family thanksgiving went swell. Tons of good food and nice chats with family!
Cousins.. (l-r) Martina, Carter, myself, Ashlee, & Lynn
Carter & I after we got home.. He has a diaper on.. Promise. He was running around in it...after he peed in his bedroom floor while being changed.. (ah. babies & mommyhood)
AND lastly. I want to show you all this house that I saw yesterday.. It is Cory's Great Grandmothers house.. who died.. and was left to his Mema's brother.. who died.. who left it to his son (Cory's second Cousin..i think).. anyway. this picture is from google maps.. so it sucks.. but apparently cory says its "run down".. "would take $100,000 or more to fix up".. Well. I dont care. I want to go in this house and see how bad its really damaged.. because i LOVE IT!! I loooove old houses anyway. but the fact that its HUGE makes me love it even more.. So yes. I am determined to go in this house before the year is up.. just look at how big it looks from the sky!!!
Ughh I want this house. It would make for an awesome *maybe expensive* project.. But thats just something to add to my to-do list countdown, right?
until next time!
Hope the house isn't at Center...