Saturday, August 11, 2012


hi bloggy people!!!! i JUST became an avon representative!!! Take a peek at my site.  :)

:) cant go wrong!!!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

hiLariouS eMaiL aDDys

Okay. so we all know we've ALL had that ONE embarrasing email address.   [actually i never have. mine have always been hb_62 or haylee_brooke7]... but you know what i'm talking about!!!    As i'm doing some maintenance at work, i can't help but laugh out loud a little bit at the emails that people have!   And its so obvious that its their *old, middle school/high school* address because they come in and change them to a much more sophisticated, mature address. For instance, one i ran over was "mamajama" something another. Like, come on people. You can't help but laugh!   One of my best friends had an email "bos_baby123"..... hahahaha its so funny..  another had "yummy_starbucks" hahahahahahahaha   Thats my laughter for the day..... hilarious email addys.  Gotta love it!

p.s. I only made it to 15 days coke-sober but i broke down and had a delicious, wonderful, chilly, caffeine & sugar filled mt dew.    and in fact, i'm enjoying a mello yello as i type this.   with my job, i have to have SOMETHING to boost my spirits in the morning..... and coke/soda/pop, what have you, is my something.

with love.
