Monday, November 19, 2012

if it weren't for...

my son, my boyfriend, my family, my friends, and my awesome grades I've been receiving this semester..

then losing my job would be a pain in my butt!

There are just somethings you can't let get ya down! 

Tomorrow--Carter and I are going shopping with Granny and Aunt Ashie.  Since I'm unemployed, it'll be a lot more looking than shopping. ( a joke)  

I'm just super glad to have Carter's birthday & Christmas presents taken care of. Above all, my son will have the best! Job or not! 

I've applied many places. Wish me luck and hope I receive a call!! 

[how many days until Thanksgiving?? I'm beginning to starve from the cravings!]


Saturday, November 17, 2012

days behind..

I'm days behind on my countdown..and i probably won't pick back up on it. this week has been horrible.

Wednesday, I was fired from my job. So that now leaves me unemployed. Which is not okay. I have a baby to raise and buy for, a house to make payments on, a cellphone & a car to make payments on.. it's just SO stressful.

  enough of my pity party. let's talk about something else!

I've moved up in the world and got an Iphone..  yay me!! :) 

I'm ready for Thanksgiving and family time. it's much needed. 

I dont remember which day I left off on.. BUT a new goal I have now is to get a job!  Or at least a source of income flowing into my household to help pay my bills!  One that will work around my January school schedule.    Why can't I be rich?  ugh.

until next time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

day #8

today on the countdown.. i plan on going on a cruise!! Cory and I have talked about it and I'd say we will be planning on going one in the future!! I hear they're actually not THAT expensive. guess once I start doing some research on it, i'll find out for sure!

I didn't get to watch Monday is a Mother (Teen mom 2).. i'll have to get caught up throughout this week!!! a teen mom junkie, leave me alone. :)

welp. it's tuesday.


Monday, November 12, 2012

& the countdown continues

Happy MONDAY y'all!!!
I hate mondays.
there is seriously nothing worse than a monday...

ANYWAY. I skipped yesterday on the countdown, so today I'll make up for it.

day #10. I want to get married!!!!!!! I have my whole wedding basically planned out on a yellow notepad...dont laugh. I've got colors, bridal party, events, what i'm wearing, where i'm getting what i'm wearing, etc. My biggest  concern is the decor. I cant really decide what I want. But all i know is I want a big rock on my finger..and I'll continue to wait until I get one I suppose. *sigh*

day #9. I hope to one day have my dream job as a Clinical Psychologist! I keep running into problems with getting my bachelor's.. but hopefully once I get it, i can hit the high road into graduate school and have my masters!!! (maybe even go for my doctorate??....ehh i'm still iffy about that).. I would resort with any type of psychological therapy as a dream job actually. I always dreamed of working in a criminology atmosphere. Really getting into the minds of victims, or even criminals. It seems SOOOO interesting!!! ah I'd love it.

Family thanksgiving went swell. Tons of good food and nice chats with family!

Cousins.. (l-r) Martina, Carter, myself, Ashlee, & Lynn

Carter & I after we got home.. He has a diaper on.. Promise. He was running around in it...after he peed in his bedroom floor while being changed.. (ah. babies & mommyhood)

AND lastly. I want to show you all this house that I saw yesterday.. It is Cory's Great Grandmothers house.. who died.. and was left to his Mema's brother.. who died.. who left it to his son (Cory's second Cousin..i think).. anyway. this picture is from google maps.. so it sucks.. but apparently cory says its "run down".. "would take $100,000 or more to fix up"..  Well. I dont care. I want to go in this house and see how bad its really damaged.. because i LOVE IT!! I loooove old houses anyway. but the fact that its HUGE makes me love it even more.. So yes. I am determined to go in this house before the year is up.. just look at how big it looks from the sky!!!

Ughh I want this house. It would make for an awesome *maybe expensive* project.. But thats just something to add to my to-do list countdown, right?

until next time!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

day #11.. on a saturday night!

day #11 on the countdown.. i hope to own a HUGE house one day.. there is a house on this street close to our house that i LOVE LOVE LOVE..  I tell cory daily we should become friends with those people...and today he replied back with "those type of people don't become friends with people like us"... hahaha he's probably right.. but that house is my dream house.. reminds me so much of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's house...and i LOVE Jessica and Nick.  I'm still sad they divorced 7 years ago. lol

now that i've done my countdown, let's talk about my dayyyyyy.  Cory, Carter and I went out to walmart today and bought Carter's birthday presents... I figure we'll give it two weeks, then go back and get his Christmas.. (his birthday is the is right about the corner!) I wrapped it.. with a whole roll of paper.. (The gift is THAT big).. and also I took a 20 minute walk with bekka this morning.. to lose weight... then ate a HUGE lunch from Big Mooses.. so that was shot to heck.  oh well.   

FIRST THANKSGIVING DINNER TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i am so excited!!!! i LOVE family time and family FOOD!

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend..  Carter and I are chilling in the bed while his daddy is working security at the Cinemas..  YAY SATURDAYS!

i keep hearing noises in my house... like someone throwing rocks at carters window.. when i peaked my head around the corner.. it stopped......       i'll be bustin' a cap if Someone's out there.... cory took the gun.. but i'll find something IF i have to.. lol shhhewwww i hate being alone!!!

until next time

Friday, November 9, 2012

HI54FRIDAY & day #12

I'm linking up with Lauren over at From my Grey Desk for HI FIVE FOR FRIDAY today!  Let's check out my HIGHLIGHTS for the week!

1) I VOTED...and my vote didn't count.. but what's another four years?

2) I mistakenly thought it was snowing on the Parkway on my way to Vote.... turns out.. it was a truck pulling a trailer with Hay on it.... the "snow" was hay.. *i'm a genius*.. I sometimes wonder why the country lets me vote during moments like those.. I don't have a picture.. because my andriod isn't cool enough to screen capture. BLAH.
*btw. i just had a freak out moment trying to find my phone.... while i was using it to download an app. i'm a moron.*

3) I recieved a visit from my best friend and her little one, Kynlee :)

4) Cory's Dad and step-mom are taking us to Gondolier tonight!!!!!!! YAYYYY!!!
5) finally.. it's friday.. what's better than that??

[gotta love rebecca black, right?! (cory just discovered this song & video.. he's been blasting it for the past two days.. hilarious!!!)]

Day #12 of my countdown.. I dream of coaching a cheerleading squad.. Being a cheerleader from 6th grade up until my senior year.. being captain 8th and senior year.. i have a devotion for cheerleading. I hope to one day coach my own squad.. preferably a middle school squad.. just because that's where they develop the love for cheer..  (not so much an attitude either, like high school).. let's hope i can achieve that one day!

Have a great weekend folks! ;)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

day #13

As my countdown continues-- I'd like to announce that my blog will not look this *boring* for long. Hopefully, in the next week or so, I will have some editing done to it, making it look nice & neat!

on with the countdown...

Day #13...
Today on my *lifelong to-do* list.. I'm adding GRADUATE COLLEGE!!!!! With my major being in Psychology, I plan on attempting to get into graduate school. I heard it's hard.. So i ordered a book that tells me ALL about the GRE (the test you take to get into graduate school).. talk about a THICK book. I've got a lot to study! IF all goes well, I should be graduating NEXT december(2013).. however, I've ran into a bump in the road.. because my current full-time job.. isn't willing to work around my school schedule in January. SO.. that means I either have to fall behind on my graduation date & go part time.. or find a different job.   I keep telling myself, I have until January to figure this out.. PRAY for me...because I'll be needing it!!!

I'll be ordering some more stuff for my son's *FIRST* birthday today.. ehhhhh I'm getting exciiiiiited!!!  His invitations were made by his *nino* and i got a sneak peak of them yesterday... they're SOOOO cute!!! And since I intend on sharing everything with you, bloggy people.. here is the sneak peak to Carter's invitations.. but keep it a secret, I want everyone to be surprised!!! :)

dun..dun... duhhhhhh

ps. Keep my hometown in mind, as a 2011 high school graduate shot himself last night & did not survive. I don't know much on the story, but that's what i've been told happened.

Until tomorrow..

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

new title = new start

I never post on here. and Today while looking along others blog's, i thought to myself.. I want my ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc posted so the world can see! I plan on getting some guidance from my sister over at but hopefully I can follow through with it this time!!

My new titly 'The Daily Dream" is basically because that's all  I do... is day dream of things I want, what I want to do in life.. I mean who doesn't do that?? 

SO today I figured I would start you off with a Thanksgiving countdown (no, it's not the "I'm thankful for" countdown going on on facebook...) This is a countdown of things I want to achieve in my lifetime. One thing per day. If you're interested in joining me, please do! I think it'll be interesting!! Since it's already the 7th day of the month.. I'll start from here..

Ready. Set. Go.

Day #14..
As i'm sitting at work... on a sloooow wednesday.. I thought to myself.. After I make my achievements in life.. I think I want to become a foster parent. I think there would be nothing better in life than knowing I helped a young child who has suffered from some type of abuse, depression, or neglect!! This, of course, will be years from now.. After I (might) have a second child... and after a lot more other things.. but it's on my to do list in the future!! Everyone should take part in becoming a foster parent IF they have the time, the money, the patience, or the heart for it! All children deserve a loving home!! (coming from someone who wasn't crazy about kids before she had one of her own!!)

Thoughts? Opinions? Comment them!

Until tomorrow!
